Emily’s Picks


Professional Essentials for Dog Grooming at Home

Emily’s picks for affordable, high quality tools for keeping your friend looking fresh!

New Around Here?

Never fear, The Happy Dog expert is here!

Emily's desensitization service (affectionately named The Happy Dog) helps dogs become comfortable with grooming. In a gentle 20-minute session (with or without the owner), she'll teach you how to brush your dog and get them used to the grooming process.

It's perfect for dogs new to professional grooming, fearful dogs, and all puppies (who must do this before their first groom).

This service is highly recommended for first-time clients to ensure a positive grooming experience right from the start!

Book The Happy Dog Here!

The Fear Free Grooming Method

Gentle Handling

Calm and compassionate techniques in a one-on-one setting

Calming Environment

Quiet and soothing space to reduce fear & anxiety

Positive Reinforcement

Force Free - rewards and treats for relaxed behavior to build trust